The student that I commented on was Sydney W. She talked about how fun homecoming day was/is. They have parades, the band plays music, attend a pep rally, etc. This is such a coincidence because I can recall doing something similar to this when I was in high school. Homecoming is a fun day especially if you participate in a lot of the activities. The night gets even better when your team wins the homecoming game to please themselves and the fans. I can definitely relate to her excitement.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Examples Which I Have Encountered
It is important for students to post their work to blogs because that is the only way that you will get the credit for doing the assignments assigned in this classroom. I real reason is so that you can learn how to use blogs and technology, since it's becoming a big deal in the classrooms now. I also encountered skype in this classroom. Before hand I never knew what skype was until now. Students and teachers may also use this tool to communicate, but mostly people that live long distances use it to keep in contact. Another tool was podcast. I particularly don't care for podcast because if the speakers are talking about something that's boring I will easily get off track, but I do know how to use and make a podcast. I also had to do a presentation which required the use of PowerPoint. I been knew how to use some of the features on power point, but I learned more because I used a little more effects, colors, etc.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
ALEX---Alabama Learning Exchange, has tabs that are telling about the courses of study, web links, lesson plans, personal workspace, professional learning and podcast treasury.I clicked the Health/Physical Ed tab and a list of links going from k-12 gave tools, games and a variety of info to help/show me how to get my students ready for true physical education. It helps to show that physical education isn't just a class that's taken or known as a place of recess. It's the class of being or getting physically fit.
I believe that ALEX is a good source to use simply because you can have and view almost everything you need to at one web link. Some teachers may not be very organized or have the time to keep up with certain things, this is what they need to be introduced to. This will be a good source to be able to use in the classrooms.
ACCESS---Alabama Connecting Classrooms,Educators, and Students Statewide,provides classroom courses and teachers via technology.The Alabama ACCESS Distance Learning Initiative was launched on November 1, 2004.The goal of the distance learning plan is to create equity through additional educational offerings for all Alabama public high school students. ACCESS is available to all Alabama public high school students.
There are many teachers that have been in the e-learning course just for this.It has an even bigger future ahead.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
I have read Gagwhi's blog post on His post only said that I'm really cool. So I told him that I'm cool too and what were my interests and I also gave him a few words of wisdom. It's kind of hard to write a good paragraph about him because he didn't say much, but he did receive good feed back.
I read a student's blog name Ty S. His blog was about having Doggie Day. It was very interesting idea. He was basically saying that we should walk around eating food, something like on Thanksgiving accept instead of eating off the plate, you eat of of each other. It was funny.
The next student didn't leave a name, but his idea was IALADD---International Act Like A Dork Day. This reminds me of a day that we had in high school. It was our homecoming week and dressing up as anything you wanted was an option and dressing as a nerd was the top; so I know how exciting this can be!!
The next student was Brandon K. His topic was Burp Like A Animal Day. He and his friends like burping so they decided to spread it on. This holiday is on May 1 and on this day the stores have to give out free sodas and the teachers have to allow their students to have sodas and burp all day.
The next student was Zach S. His blog was titled OPPS. It was Act Like You Have Muscle Spasm Day. It started when some guys were at a party and they spilled pop on each other. On this day, the president,mayor,parents, and teachers have to participate. This will be funny to see.
The last student was Jacob M. He started International dance like hippi day. This came from a boy riding by and saw a man with a big afro. He thought of hip-hop when she saw this. I would've never thought of this. I bet it was a hilarious site, I actually wish I would've been there.
The next student didn't leave a name, but his idea was IALADD---International Act Like A Dork Day. This reminds me of a day that we had in high school. It was our homecoming week and dressing up as anything you wanted was an option and dressing as a nerd was the top; so I know how exciting this can be!!
The next student was Brandon K. His topic was Burp Like A Animal Day. He and his friends like burping so they decided to spread it on. This holiday is on May 1 and on this day the stores have to give out free sodas and the teachers have to allow their students to have sodas and burp all day.
The next student was Zach S. His blog was titled OPPS. It was Act Like You Have Muscle Spasm Day. It started when some guys were at a party and they spilled pop on each other. On this day, the president,mayor,parents, and teachers have to participate. This will be funny to see.
The last student was Jacob M. He started International dance like hippi day. This came from a boy riding by and saw a man with a big afro. He thought of hip-hop when she saw this. I would've never thought of this. I bet it was a hilarious site, I actually wish I would've been there.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Dear Kaia
Classes made comments by using a video so that Kaia can here them because she's not a very strong reader yet. Kaia also loves pictures so the classes also posted some of them as well. In the first video, the students told Kaia how much they liked what they seen from her. It seems to be one of the best creations and an idea that might keep some schools open. In the next video Kaia posted pictures and told about them. This is wonderful for a three year old to be using technology already. I was surprised to hear that the students got Kaia's father to communicate on skype. Kaia feels that anything can be beautiful if you look at it the right way especially pictures. I was surprised to see this especially from a three year old.
Personal Learning Network
As an assignment, I had to create a PLN--Personal Learning Network. Personal Learning Networks are usually done online, but maybe they could also be done differently. I only have five people in my Personal Learning Network. The topics that we discussed were technology in the classrooms whether they were old or new. I found out a lot of interesting things when we discussed the technology that they are/were using in their classrooms.
The first person that I communicated with was from facebook. Her name is Crystal Womack and she is a junior in college. We talked about how blogging can have an effect on education. She says that her fellow classmates, including her, have to also blog with their teacher/professor. It is said that her teacher/professor can easily get in contact with them about an assignment or anything pertaining to class. Crystal doesn't like the idea of doing blogs because she doesn't always have access to the internet, so it makes it kind of difficult for her to blog.
The first person that I communicated with was from facebook. Her name is Crystal Womack and she is a junior in college. We talked about how blogging can have an effect on education. She says that her fellow classmates, including her, have to also blog with their teacher/professor. It is said that her teacher/professor can easily get in contact with them about an assignment or anything pertaining to class. Crystal doesn't like the idea of doing blogs because she doesn't always have access to the internet, so it makes it kind of difficult for her to blog.
The next person that I communicated with is Elzora Howell. She is the secretary to the superintendent of Sumter County Board of Education. She says that the students that attend their high school doesn't yet use webcam, but they are attempting to get the equipment for it. They want to show their students that there are more ways to communicate than just text,email,phone, etc. and show them that you can have a conversation with your peer and see them at the same time no matter where they are located at the time.
The third person Dorthy Cooly. She was a high school teacher at Blount High School. She said that technology has really emerged since she was a teacher. She said that When she was teaching the only technology that they really used was an over-head-projector. They used overhead slides to give their students notes and information. Now and days, society just uses PowerPoint, which is very effective in the classroom. Mrs. Cooly said that PowerPoint is much easier and less time consuming than using an over-head projector. She has been updated on the technology that is now being used in the classrooms.
Speaking of PowerPoint, the next person that is in my PLN is Marcus West. He is a science teacher at a community college. he loves to use PowerPoint and is basically a whiz when it comes to using it. He knows how to put all of the graphics, musics,fonts,spins,etc. on his presentation when presenting to his class. He likes for his students to use google often to get information for their homework. He feels that google is an honest site, depending on what you are looking for. He isn't very detailed with google, like Dr.Strange, but he likes for his students to have knowledge of it.
Rebecca Davis was the last person in my PLN that I came in contact with. She is a nursing major at Troy University. She says that they have to view footage that are posted on YouTube for class. Having the access to YouTube is somewhat mandatory for them. The videos show them the hands on work of being a nurse. It educates them on how to give shot or anything of that nature. So instead of looking in the book at demonstration, they can actually watch it being don hands on at anytime on YouTube. I never thought that a teacher/professor would be able to comply the technology of using YouTube as an educational source for a full semester, but they obviously do. YouTube is carried throughout the semester so that the students are educated in their major and get educated in viewing uploads and learn how to upload from this uploading source.
The next person that I communicated with is Elzora Howell. She is the secretary to the superintendent of Sumter County Board of Education. She says that the students that attend their high school doesn't yet use webcam, but they are attempting to get the equipment for it. They want to show their students that there are more ways to communicate than just text,email,phone, etc. and show them that you can have a conversation with your peer and see them at the same time no matter where they are located at the time.
The third person Dorthy Cooly. She was a high school teacher at Blount High School. She said that technology has really emerged since she was a teacher. She said that When she was teaching the only technology that they really used was an over-head-projector. They used overhead slides to give their students notes and information. Now and days, society just uses PowerPoint, which is very effective in the classroom. Mrs. Cooly said that PowerPoint is much easier and less time consuming than using an over-head projector. She has been updated on the technology that is now being used in the classrooms.
Speaking of PowerPoint, the next person that is in my PLN is Marcus West. He is a science teacher at a community college. he loves to use PowerPoint and is basically a whiz when it comes to using it. He knows how to put all of the graphics, musics,fonts,spins,etc. on his presentation when presenting to his class. He likes for his students to use google often to get information for their homework. He feels that google is an honest site, depending on what you are looking for. He isn't very detailed with google, like Dr.Strange, but he likes for his students to have knowledge of it.
Rebecca Davis was the last person in my PLN that I came in contact with. She is a nursing major at Troy University. She says that they have to view footage that are posted on YouTube for class. Having the access to YouTube is somewhat mandatory for them. The videos show them the hands on work of being a nurse. It educates them on how to give shot or anything of that nature. So instead of looking in the book at demonstration, they can actually watch it being don hands on at anytime on YouTube. I never thought that a teacher/professor would be able to comply the technology of using YouTube as an educational source for a full semester, but they obviously do. YouTube is carried throughout the semester so that the students are educated in their major and get educated in viewing uploads and learn how to upload from this uploading source.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
The New Media Literacies by the NML Staff
Personally I don't like the fact of all of the technology use. I think in the 21st century that some of these skills we will need if that's when the world is turning to technology.I possess quite a few of these skills. I can try to help others with the ones that I possess and maybe we can help each other out on the ones that neither of us possess.
I have found out that one of the skills that you will need is judgment--being able to decide if the information that you find on the internet is reliable. Negotiation--meaning knowing how to enter into different groups and knowing how to understand what the different norms are. Appropriation--how do I remix and sample content in a meaningful way. Play which is the capacity to experiment with surroundings as a form of problem solving. Transmedia Navigation, performance,distributed cognition, and the list goes on.
For those that are not technological literate, this will be like a second job. First you will have to learn how to use it then start to use it on a regular basis. All of this stuff to me is kind of stressing. Maybe the reason being is because it's new, it's the next generation. Most people will need to learn at least a certain percentage of how to use this form of technology.
I have found out that one of the skills that you will need is judgment--being able to decide if the information that you find on the internet is reliable. Negotiation--meaning knowing how to enter into different groups and knowing how to understand what the different norms are. Appropriation--how do I remix and sample content in a meaningful way. Play which is the capacity to experiment with surroundings as a form of problem solving. Transmedia Navigation, performance,distributed cognition, and the list goes on.
For those that are not technological literate, this will be like a second job. First you will have to learn how to use it then start to use it on a regular basis. All of this stuff to me is kind of stressing. Maybe the reason being is because it's new, it's the next generation. Most people will need to learn at least a certain percentage of how to use this form of technology.
The Networked Student by Wendy Drexler
I'm not sure if I'm prepared to teach a networked student because I first have to get use to teaching period. Pretty soon with all of this technology equipment, students will no longer need teachers, they will be able to be taught by a computer. Technology seems to be taking the world by storm and some people could be in danger of losing their jobs because of it.
The teacher teaches him how to use the network and take advantage of learning opportunities.She offers guidance when he gets stuck, shows him how to communicate properly and ask respectively for help from experts, shows him how to differentiate from good behavior and propaganda, how to vet a resource, etc. The teacher really won't be teaching, it's more a having a helpful partner. At least it's not my perception of teaching.
The teacher teaches him how to use the network and take advantage of learning opportunities.She offers guidance when he gets stuck, shows him how to communicate properly and ask respectively for help from experts, shows him how to differentiate from good behavior and propaganda, how to vet a resource, etc. The teacher really won't be teaching, it's more a having a helpful partner. At least it's not my perception of teaching.
Monday, October 12, 2009
This Is How We Dream Parts 1 and 2
Multimedia is a good source to have, but keeping the books, paper, pens, pencils, etc. I think is important. At any time a computer can go out or maybe the page that you need to watch is down, then what's next? I don't think it is a good idea to make everything multimedia just because of what you think can happen, especially without considering the gray area of the whole thing.
I think that the listening/watching culture is alright for people who learn better by just watching and listening. But what about the ones that understand it better if they can read it and then write it? I don't think that they should stop the reading/writing part because that's how it all started before all of this technology came about. With doing all of this, you have to consider the gray area, not just the black and white. Some people don't have access to the internet and some can't afford to have a computer or laptop. When considering this, how would they be able to listen and watch? With reading/writing, you have all the tools that you need.
I don't want to be redundant, but these paragraphs pretty much sums it up. I have nothing against multimedia, I just think that you have to be considerate of the people that are in school and wanna learn, but yet they can't afford some of this technological equipment. As a result, if they can't afford it, what do you expect them to do. I still don't think that multimedia should be like at the top of everything, like that's the main source because reading/writing will always be around even when this technology equipment fails you.
I think that the listening/watching culture is alright for people who learn better by just watching and listening. But what about the ones that understand it better if they can read it and then write it? I don't think that they should stop the reading/writing part because that's how it all started before all of this technology came about. With doing all of this, you have to consider the gray area, not just the black and white. Some people don't have access to the internet and some can't afford to have a computer or laptop. When considering this, how would they be able to listen and watch? With reading/writing, you have all the tools that you need.
I don't want to be redundant, but these paragraphs pretty much sums it up. I have nothing against multimedia, I just think that you have to be considerate of the people that are in school and wanna learn, but yet they can't afford some of this technological equipment. As a result, if they can't afford it, what do you expect them to do. I still don't think that multimedia should be like at the top of everything, like that's the main source because reading/writing will always be around even when this technology equipment fails you.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Duke University gave out iPods to each of its 1,620 incoming freshmen. These iPods are to be used mainly for academic purposes, but can also be used outside of the classroom. Students will be able to use the devices to download course content, recorded lectures, foreign language lessons, audio books and music from a special Duke website modeled after iTunes. The school will supply voice recorders for some classes, enabling students to record notes while working in the field.
It is said that the project has gained momentum throughout the year. More than 600 first-year students enrolled in at least one course that used iPods. Many of these courses were for music or a foreign language, and the students used their iPods to record or receive audio files. As students began experimenting with the devices, they also began using them for gathering field notes, conducting interviews, podcasting or audio blogging, as well as for portable hard drives or as signal generators in an engineering class. Duke University really has made the use of an iPod completely different from what most people would use them for. They have made it very effective in education, which is pretty cool to me.
It is said that the project has gained momentum throughout the year. More than 600 first-year students enrolled in at least one course that used iPods. Many of these courses were for music or a foreign language, and the students used their iPods to record or receive audio files. As students began experimenting with the devices, they also began using them for gathering field notes, conducting interviews, podcasting or audio blogging, as well as for portable hard drives or as signal generators in an engineering class. Duke University really has made the use of an iPod completely different from what most people would use them for. They have made it very effective in education, which is pretty cool to me.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
iTunes University
I really don't think that iTunes will be very effective in my classroom. I'm not the type to use podcasts or videocasts, not saying that it won't be useful, but for my class, I don't think it will. It seems that iTunes are used a lot in many Ivy League Schools. You can download music, videos, dvds, etc. Some announcements can be made on podcasts or videocasts, but this year is my first year being introduced to the podcasts and videcasts and I'm not really into those so far.
In a way, it may be helpful because you can download educational resources free. iTunes do have copyright laws, so there is no fear there to upload anything for your students to see. Downloading iTunes is free of cost, so it's possible for it to be useful for education. The only thing with me is that I'm not a technology person because sometimes technology malfunctions and then you and your students will have a problem. Overall, I don't think that iTunes will be that effective in my classroom.
In a way, it may be helpful because you can download educational resources free. iTunes do have copyright laws, so there is no fear there to upload anything for your students to see. Downloading iTunes is free of cost, so it's possible for it to be useful for education. The only thing with me is that I'm not a technology person because sometimes technology malfunctions and then you and your students will have a problem. Overall, I don't think that iTunes will be that effective in my classroom.
Dr. Christie’s site
I think that the use of a rubric in the classroom can be very useful. Rubrics allow the students and the teachers to understand what's going on for an assignments; it explains it. Some rubrics are based on a 1-5 level with 5 being the highest. Then some are based on smiley faces, it just depends, but they all are forming the same purposes.
With this students have a guideline of the teacher's expectations and the teachers can easily evaluate the students' work. Also rubrics can be reused and used in many different ways. Having a rubric handy in a classroom can really help out, in my opinion.
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